okinawa school socks

 i hate beauty
                                                fuck sunsets
                                                 fuck sunrises
                                                who gives a shit about flowers
                                                and all the trite significant shudders of life
                                                babies - napalm them
                                                children, throw them to the lions
                                                then mince the lions for the dogs of war
                                                 love - !

                                                you can stuff love into the asses of corpses
                                                kill einstein when he is five
                                                before he suucumbs to the melodrama of truth
                                                feed his brains to red ants in the amazon
                                                then nuke the amazon
                                                let's drive-by buddha
                                                sitting beneath his idiot tree
                                                and drill him with ak-47s of enlightenment

                                                fuck all the gods
                                                man-made or god-made
                                                or made by my maid
                                                all their vaunted powers
                                                absolute beyond dreaming
                                                staggering beyond feeling
                                                outrageous beyond inkling
                                                them down the toilet
                                                into the cesspools of stinking black putrifying blood
                                                that most obscene thing
                                                shriveled snot-filled pus-festering raisin
                                                you call a soul
                                                itself into freedom
                                                then walk away


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